The Interagency Bear Jaw Fire and Fuels Management crew incorporates employees for Highlands and Pinewood Fire Districts. Our vision is to be recognized as knowledgeable and accessible professionals capable of providing the community with essential fire safety and ecosystem management services. It is through; professionalism, community and natural resource protection, leadership, accessibility, flexibility and continuous education we will continue to provide superior and quality service to our District’s constituents. Wildland fires will remain a constant threat to our communities due to the natural fire regime in our ponderosa fuel type. Our crew uses prevention measures of; educating property owners of hazards on the property and manipulation of hazardous fuels adjacent to structures and surrounding property, in an effort to lessen the damage incurred if a wildland fire were to impact our communities.
We are always in search of intelligent, motivated individuals with a strong work ethic and good attitude to serve our communities. If you are interested in employment opportunities with the Interagency Bear Jaw Crew, you can call (928) 525-9138 or send e-mail to Shelby Erickson @
We would like to visit with the residents of Highlands and Pinewood Fire Districts about their property and give them a free Firewise Home Assessment, please click the link below and we will contact you as soon as possible.